East Anglian Schools Trust

Governance Constitution



Name Role Original Date of Appointment Resignation Date (if applicable)
Jeremy Mead Member 01-11-23 -
John Paul Hulley Member -
Peter Elliott Member 01-11-23 -
Tim Fosker Member (Chair) -
Zoe Sprake Member -

Trust Board

Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Darren Porter Trustee 01-09-24 4 Years 31-08-28 - Co-opted
Don Hawkley Trustee 01-11-23 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed
Emma Plane Chair of Audit & Risk Committee 13-09-22 4 Years 31-08-28 - Appointed
Jenny McGhee Wallace Trustee 01-09-24 4 Years 31-08-28 - Co-opted
Jonathan Duggan Trustee 01-11-23 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed
Louise Franks - 01-09-19 4 Years - 31-12-23 Co-opted
Neville Howe Trustee 01-09-19 4 Years 31-08-26 - Appointed
Nick Wellington Chair of Estates & IT Committee 13-09-22 4 Years 31-08-28 - Appointed
Paul Simpson Trustee 01-11-23 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed
Phil Lee - 13-09-22 2 Years - 31-08-24 Appointed
Stef Thorne Chair of Education Committee 08-01-22 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed
Stella Mackenzie
Chair of Trust Board 01-09-19 4 Years 31-08-26 - Appointed
Steve Clarke Trustee 01-09-24 4 Years 31-08-28 - Co-opted
Stephen Shaw Chair of Finance & HR Committee 01-09-19 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed
Tony Cooper Trustee 01-11-23 4 Years 31-08-27 - Appointed

Aldeburgh Primary School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Carl Willis - 04-12-24 Parent
Carolyn Jones Chair 04-12-24 - Co-opted
Cary Norman Governor 16-04-26 - Co-opted
Emma Clements Governor 04-07-26 - Staff
Hannah Young Governor 04-10-28 - Co-opted
Heather Elms Governor 16-04-26 - Co-opted
Jemima Gallant Vice Chair 28-06-24 - Parent
Kathy Page Governor 04-10-28 - Co-opted
Pauline Quinn Safeguarding Governor - Co-opted

Easton Primary School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Alastair Smith Chair 11-06-25 - Parent
Chloe Staff Governor 02-10-26 - Staff
Franziska Mattishent Governor 02-01-26 - Parent

 Leiston Primary School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Amy Plummer Chair 08-02-26 - Parent
Esther Hurrell Vice Chair 24-11-26 - Parent
Fiona Brown Governor 03-10-28 - Staff
Gayla Rowling - 21-10-28 Co-opted
Karen Squirrell SEND Governor 25-05-28 - Co-opted
Lisa Davis Safeguarding Named Governor 11-07-26 - Parent
Matt Head Governor 28-11-25 Staff
Sue Evans Governor 03-10-28 - Co-opted

Saxmundham Primary School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Angela Skinner - 16-03-25 Co-opted
Judy Barber Vice Chair 16-03-25 - Co-opted
Laura Sheehan - 30-06-26 Parent
Lesley Cassie Governor 08-12-27 - Co-opted
Tom Wood Governor 01-05-28 - Staff

Wickham Market Primary School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Barbara Harrington Vice Chair 05-12-25 - Co-opted
Carey Cooke Governor 09-10-26 - Co-opted
Jo Maghoo - - Parent
Jo Ashburn Chair 10-06-24 - Co-opted
Louise Ireland Governor 04-03-28 - Parent
Mandy Garland Governor 03-10-25 - Staff
Nina Crisp Governor 16-07-28 - Parent
Ruth Leigh - 15-11-26 Co-opted
Sally Lightfoot Governor 11-12-27 - Staff
Tracey Walker - 09-10-26 Co-opted

Bungay High School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Catherine Wiltshire SEND Governor 30-09-24 - Co-opted
Charles McKie Governor 23-11-26 - Co-opted
Christine Douglas - 02-10-23 Co-opted
Christine Johnson - 31-08-24 Co-opted
Gemma Woodcock Governor 31-05-25 - Staff
Helen Donelan-Bell Governor 23-11-27 - Parent
Jade Howgate - 01-10-26 Co-opted
Lyn Scott - 12-05-22 Co-opted
Rachel Patterson - 31-05-25 Staff
Shona Power Governor 23-11-27 - Parent
Stuart Wilson Governor 17-05-26 - Parent
Sylvia Knights Chair 27-09-24 - Co-opted
Tracey Whale - 29-11-23 Parent

Farlingaye High School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Andrew Filby Governor 20-11-23 4 Years 19-11-27 - Co-opted
Anna Sheldrake - 01-04-22 4 Years 31-03-26 18/09/23 Parent
Damian Horner Governor 20-11-23 4 Years 19-11-27 - Co-opted
Elinor Stone Co-Vice Chair 22-01-24 4 Years 21-01-28 - Parent
Jeremy Steventon-Barnes Governor 21-11-18 4 Years 20-11-26 - Co-opted
June Cowles - 30-11-15 4 Years 29-11-23 18-09-23 Co-opted
Katharina Thomas - 25-11-15 4 Years 25-11-23 19-07-23 Co-opted
Kevin Clements Governor 20-11-23 4 Years 19-11-27 - Co-opted
Liz Crookall Governor 14-11-17 4 Years 14-11-25 - Staff
Matt Teeling - 21-05-21 4 Years 20-05-25 Co-opted
Natasha Card Governor 18-09-23 4 Years 17-09-27 - Parent
Nick Webb Governor 06-11-17 4 Years 05-11-25 - Staff
Richard Litchfield Chair 21-05-21 4 Years 20-05-25 - Co-opted
Sarah Harris Safeguarding Named Governor 20-02-17 4 Years 19-02-25 - Co-opted
Sarah Hollingham Governor 20-11-23 4 Years 19-11-27 - Co-opted

Kesgrave High School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Catherine Beresford Governor 28-09-25 - Co-opted
David Bevan Vice Chair 19-03-26 - Co-opted
Elisabeth Potten Governor 17-01-27 - Parent
Eunice Brain Governor 06-10-25 - Co-opted
Grace Mason Governor 17-01-26 - Staff
Liz Newman Governor 25-11-24 - Staff
Matthew Wheatley - 26-11-23 Staff
Raksha Bhoola Governor 17-01-27 - Co-opted
Stephen Wood Governor 17-01-27 - Parent
Stuart Lawson Governor 26-02-24 - Parent
Sue White Chair & Safeguarding Named Governor 17-07-26 - Co-opted
Tim Matson Governor 12-03-28 - Staff
Toby Tata Governor 09-03-25 - Parent

Castle EAST School


Name Role Original Date of Appointment Term of Office Current Term End Date Resignation Date (if applicable) Route
Anne Rickwood Governor 13-11-27 - Co-opted
Becci McKie SEND Governor 15-11-26 - Co-opted
Catherine Wiltshire - 15-11-22 Co-opted
Christine Johnson - 31-08-26 Co-opted
Claire Goduti - 20-09-26 Co-opted
Judy Cloke - 31-08-26 Co-opted
Laura Dawson Governor 09-01-27 - Parent
Maria Rosie Governor 31-08-26 - Co-opted
Matt Leech Governor 15-11-26 - Staff
Simon Linger Governor 31-08-26 - Co-opted
Sylvia Knights Chair 31-08-26 - Co-opted