Policies & Procedures
EAST Policies & Procedures
EAST's Trust wide polices apply to all of our schools. These are planned with Headteachers and Local Governing Bodies before being ratified at Trust Board level. EAST's policies are reviewed in line with statutory recommendations before being adopted by our schools. You will find these below and clearly identified on each individual school website.
Abuse Threats & Violence towards Staff Policy
Admissions Policy 25-26 (Primary Schools)
Code of Conduct - EAST Community
Employment & Disability Guidance
Equality & Diversity Statement
Equality in Employment Guidance
Privacy Notice - Pupils / Students
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Suspensions & Permanent Exclusions Policy
Virtual Meeting Attendance Policy
Our schools also have their own policies which are unique to each individual context. These are planned, designed and ratified at school level so that they meet the needs of local stakeholders in each organisation.
Visit our schools' policy pages by clicking the links below:
Farlingaye High School Polices
Policies for Staff:
Please click the following link to view the full list of EAST policies. Please note, a password is required to access this page which will be updated periodically. For details of the password please contact your school.
Policies & Procedures for Staff